Pierpont, keynote speaker at International Symposium on Turbines & Health (Canada)
Jul 23, 2010

First international symposium on adverse health effects and industrial wind turbines
Posted by the Society for Wind Vigilance
Picton, Ontario, July 17, 2010 — The First International Symposium on the adverse health effects of industrial wind turbines will be held October 29-31, 2010 in Picton, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada.
Hosted by The Society for Wind Vigilance and supported by the County Coalition for Safe and Appropriate Green Energy, this groundbreaking two day event will feature prominent expert speakers from the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada who will provide important information relating to health issues reported by people living too close to industrial wind developments.
At the invitation of the Chair of The Society for Wind Vigilance, Dr Nina Pierpont, MD, PhD, New York, will be the key note speaker. Dr Pierpont is recognized as one of the first health specialists in the world to identify the pattern of symptoms that manifest themselves when people live too close to industrial wind developments.
Experts including Christopher Hanning, MD (U.K.), Michael Nissenbaum, MD (U.S.A), John Harrison, PhD (Canada) and Arline Bronzaft, PhD (U.S.A) are also among the outstanding roster of speakers. Topics include sleep disturbance, impacts on children, incorrect diagnosis leading to increased medication use and the urgent need for human health research.
The Society for Wind Vigilance is an international federation of physicians, engineers and other professionals formed in response to the growing number of serious human health issues that appear when industrial wind developments are located in close proximity to homes.
The Society advocates for a full clinical study into these health problems, mitigation of existing problems and a moratorium on further industrial wind development until these actions have been completed.
Further details on the symposium agenda and registration details will be provided in the coming weeks.
Who Should Attend?
Rural health specialists
Engineers and Acousticians
Health reporters
Renewable energy specialists
Policy advisors for Government health departments
Public medical officers of health
Policy advisors for Government Renewable Energy strategies
Interested members of the public
What Will Happen?
» International experts from a number of disciplines will describe the increased reports of and their assessments of the adverse health impacts of industrial wind turbines.
»There will be a number of sessions grouped by theme. Each presentation will be followed by a question and answer period to allow attendees to delve deeper into each topic.
» During the two day symposium, a poster/multimedia session with video statements on other areas of concern will also take place.
Mark Your Calendar
» People who live in many rural parts of the world continue to be exposed to the risk of serious adverse health effects once industrial wind turbines enter their environment.
» Reports from around the world indicate that the current lack of robust scientific research has created a situation which is untenable as families are forced to abandon their homes or are bought out by wind developers.
Our Aim
The goal of this symposium is to raise awareness as to the need to create global standards based on third party clinical health studies in order to guarantee protection of human health from industrial wind development around the world and to allow experts and other interested persons from around the world to engage in a dialogue about these issues.
Beth Harrington
647 588-8647