Noise Impact Assessment Report, Waubra Wind Farm (Australia)
Aug 1, 2010

“Acoustic energy from wind turbines is capable of resonating houses, effectively turning them into three-dimensional loud speakers”
Report for Mr. & Mrs. Noel Dean, Waubra Wind Farm, Australia
Editor’s note: See “The Waubra (Australia) Disease,” under “Videos”
—Robert Thorne, PhD, Noise Measurement Services (Brisbane, Australia)
Excerpt, p. 153: Further research has shown that the acoustic energy from wind turbines is capable of resonating houses, effectively turning them into three-dimensional loud speakers in which the affected residents are now expected to live.
The phenomenon of natural resonance combines to produce a cocktail of annoying sounds which not only disturb the peace and tranquility once-enjoyed by the residents, but also stimulate a number of disturbing physiological effects which manifest in the physical symptoms described above.
In the opinion of the author, backed up by residents’ surveys and scientific measurements and analysis of the noise of turbine farms, these new generating technologies are proving to be a significant detractor for those living within 10 kilometres of them.
More research is urgently needed to determine the extent of the nuisance effects and what setbacks are required to minimise the negative effects on resident communities.
The long term medical implications are considerable and need to be researched before any further applications for wind farms are consented.
Failure to do this, in the opinion of the author, will significantly affect the utilization of this technology and will produce long-term consequences that will be to the detriment of the whole of society.
Click here to download the full report (4MB).
» The Waubra wind energy facility is located near Ballarat, in western Victoria, Australia. It is the largest operating wind facility in the southern hemisphere consisting of 128-1.5 megawatt turbines for a total installed capacity of 192 megawatts. The turbines were first turned on in February 2009; the facility was fully operational by July 2009.
» Noel Dean and his family moved away from their farm in the spring of 2009 when the headaches and other symptoms worsened.
Comment by Anonymous on 07/27/2011 at 2:05 am
Dear Sir,
I saw you on the 4 corner program and would like to tell you that there not only windfarm victims how suffer from low noise or pulse infiltration
It came suddenly several symtoms and mainly
sleepdepretation lasted a very long time as an extreme illness. I could not cope in ordinary situations. Medication made no difference.
This state lasted over 2 years. I think you would know there was no live for me.
fortunately I never experienced rejection just understanding and help. .
and I did find help. Yes my husband could
not hear or feel any synptoms I expirienced
there are thousands of people registered distressed and in misery affected by that sneaky low dansedy noise. I did
find a very fantastic course on the internet which turned my live around.
I feel the symptoms the noise is still there it keeps me awake often as I can not move away.
all countries have very large groups of people complaining of that dreadful noise. I was so glad to be accepted by Prof. Leventhall and his most wonderful staff.
First you suffer than you try to find the reason and not like the other gentleman said one is afraid of the windfarm and get headaches etc.
as you can read I am not a letter writer but I know it is not in the mind and statistics can not solve it or prove it.
i was going to send this to garry wittert perhaps you like to improve this letter
or get togehter with other sufferers greetings Ingrid