International Symposium on Global Wind Industry & Adverse Health Effects (Canada)
Sep 5, 2010

Global Wind Industry and Adverse Health Effects:
Loss of Social Justice?
Where: The Waring House Inn and Conference Center, Picton, Prince Edward County, Ontario, Canada
When: October 29-31, 2010
The Society for Wind Vigilance is pleased to announce our first International Symposium.
The Symposium will feature expert speakers from the United Kingdom, the United States and Canada who will provide important information relating to health issues reported by people living too close to industrial wind developments. International experts including Dr. Christopher Hanning, M.D. (U.K.), Michael Nissenbaum, M.D. (U.S.A.), John Harrison, Ph.D. (Can) and Arline Bronzaft, Ph.D. (U.S.A.) will discuss the effects of wind turbine noise on sleep, impacts on children and the urgent need for human health research.
Keynote speaker is Dr. Nina Pierpont, M.D., Ph.D. (USA)
Who should attend?
- Rural and other health specialists
- Professional Engineers
- Acousticians
- Policy advisors for Government health departments
- Policy advisors for Government Renewable Energy strategies
- Renewable energy specialists
- Health correspondents
- Public medical officers of health
- Interested members of the public
Download the full program here. Click here for Press Release. Download registration form here.
FRIDAY October 29 PM
12:00 pm – Registration begins
7:00 pm – Introductory Evening Session
Session I No Rules, No Caution, No Accountability
Orville Walsh, Co-Chair – Opening Remarks: No Global Standards
John Harrison – It’s Pure Physics
Rick James – Acoustics 101
8:30 am
Session II What Clinicians Need To Know
Dr. Robert McMurtry, Chair – Opening Remarks
Dr. Nina Pierpont (Key Note) – Defining a Syndrome
Dr. Alec Salt – Infrasound: Your Ears Hear It But They Don’t Tell Your Brain
Coffee break 15 minutes
Session III Cause and Effect
Dr. Arline Bronzaft – Children: Canaries in the Coal Mine
Dr. Christopher Hanning – The Torment of Sleep Disturbance
Session Working Luncheon
Robert Bryce – A Journey of Discovery
Session IV Research and Motion
Dr. Michael A. Nissenbaum – Deleterious Health Effects are Undeniable
Dr. Carl V. Phillips – The Absence of Health Studies Proves Nothing
Coffee break 15 minutes
Session V The Consequences – Violation of Social Justice
Carmen Krogh – A Gross Injustice
Eric Gillespie – Social Justice and the Law
Dinner 7:30
8:30 am
Session VI Social Marketing – Disinformation
Dale Goldhawk – Media and Pre-emptive Stereotyping
Dr. Ross McKitrick – Coal Kills-Where Are the Bodies?
Session VII Toward A Global Movement
Dale Goldhawk – Moderator for Next Steps
Dr. Robert McMurtry/Orville Walsh – Wrap Up & Proceedings
Comment by Melodie Burkett on 09/05/2010 at 10:53 pm
Be there with bells on, Calvin. Hopefully my husband Mike will be able to attend, as well. He is running for mayor and the timing is iffy.
Thank you both for your passion, hard work and diligence.
Mike & Melodie Burkett
Clearview Township & Severn Township, Ontario, Canada
Comment by Brad Blake on 09/05/2010 at 11:34 pm
I am so pleased to see this symposium. The government should subsidize every “wind warrier” to go. They send our tax dollars to the wind developers who spend it on full time PR. It’s about time the honest, hard working citizens who give of their free time to save their communities got tax money to support our cause! Since many who fight hard against industrial wind projects will not be able to attend, I hope pertinent excerpts from the symposium will be available online.
Brad Blake, Maine
a citizen who loves Maine and fights to protect it from industrial wind
a citizen who believes wind is bad public policy and bad economics
a citizen who would have to take precious vacation time to attend the symposium
Comment by Louise Tesseo on 09/06/2010 at 9:10 am
I live in the Stratton, Maine, area and have fought hard to stop the Black Nubble Redington Project. Thankfully we own [won?] that battle. We did not win the battle to save Kibby, unfortunatly. My husband and I went on a canoe trip on Flagstaff and the view is forever ruined. The sight of this industrial wind farm project has my stomach in knots. I have also been up to the ridgeline to witness the overall destruction of this once beautiful mountain. I think of all the poor animals whose home have been blown to bits, and the sound of the turbines disrupting all that makes nature work. We have got to stop this wind energy surge now and put the money back into hardworking tax payers. NOW!!!!!
Comment by Sheila K. Bowen on 09/07/2010 at 1:32 pm
I wish I could be there, Calvin! I do know someone who will be attending. He will say hello for me. Will there be a DVD?
Comment by Gordon J Callon [Dr] on 01/16/2012 at 2:42 pm
Is there a proceedings of this conference? I would like to acquire all the presentations!
Editor’s reply: I have sent the papers to you as an email attachment.
Comment by Tuula Korhonen on 12/17/2013 at 6:27 am
I am a Finnish doctor and interested in wind turbine syndrome. Is it possible to get any copies of the presentations. Any interesting links?
Yours TK
Editor’s note: Nina Pierpont’s presentation was published online, here. The others were published in a variety of journals. If you peruse the articles, here, you will find them.