Flim-flammed by Hull, MA, wind turbine tour (Mass.)
Oct 7, 2010

—Barry Funfar, Falmouth, MA (10/1/10)
“The Global Wind Industry and Adverse Health Effects: A Symposium.” To be held in Picton, Ontario, Canada, October 29-31, 2010.
This should be a required event for all public officials, the majority of whom are caught up in the “green mania” of the times, and are mindlessly promoting what they consider to be clean, green wind energy. They do this to the detriment of the health and well being of those exposed to industrial sized wind turbines with inadequete setbacks.
I speak from bitter experience. I, too, was “green” at one time. No more. I now live 1662 feet from Falmouth’s turbine #1. Before the turbine was built, I was very much concerned about the potential noise (knowing my sensitivities), but after going on the Falmouth Energy tour and visiting the wind turbine in Hull, MA, my fears were put to rest.
Little did I realize that:
1) the Hull turbine is a much smaller and quieter model
2) turbine noise is often louder 1000 feet or more away than directly under the machine
3) the Hull turbine was on an ocean peninsula nearly surrounded by ocean waves (noise)
4) the Logan Airport has jets going over Hull nearly continuously (the photos I took of the turbine that day all have jets in them)
5) Hull is the noisiest town in Massachusetts. The people there are too busy complaining about Logan Airport to hear their turbine.
I was fooled.
Nevertheless, while Falmouth’s WIND #1 was being built, I was still “green.” Once it went into operation, I attempted to get used to it for at least a month—but the sound was/is unbearable.
It was then that I began searching for information on wind technology and turbine effects, and I have come full circle to believe that the US is completely off track with promoting wind energy. I believe it is a farce, and presently the biggest fraud in America. It will never lower our dependence on foreign oil nor will it replace CO2 emitting power plants. Open up and use your mind. Do your homework. Study the issue for yourself.
You decide. But get some education. Information at The Society for Wind Vigilance.
Comment by Del on 12/14/2011 at 12:04 am
Interesting web site.
I was in North Cohasset, MA, two weeks ago for a funeral and noticed one of the Hull turbines sticking up above the treeline, an eyesore even at that distance.
I drove over there for a look, but did not do any legwork. I’d like to learn more about the noise impact of wind turbines. Do your neighbors share your views on the subject? (By the way, I spent many happy summers in West Yarmouth, on Lewis Bay.)
Delaware Cross
Editor’s reply: Hull, MA, turbine? (Or are there several, now, in Hull? Frankly, I forget.) Anyhow, do the following: Open the Fairhaven Wind Project website (click here) and watch the video at the top of the Home page. It’s rather lengthy, but worth it. Notice neighbors of the Hull turbines complaining—yeah, on the video.
There is a good chance neighbors of the Hull turbines are getting all the symptoms of WTS—except they don’t make the connection. Such is our experience elsewhere, including in Falmouth, where Dr. Pierpont met numerous people suffering WTS from the Falmouth turbines–but they declined to be interviewed, fearful of being ostracized by the community or fearful of jeopardizing their jobs. (One of the Falmouth victims is a former US Ambassador, believe it or not. He declined to be interviewed, however.)