CON with the WIND?
Jul 16, 2010

New, feature-length documentary directed by Nigel Spence
“Con with the Wind is a passionate and inspirational look at the myths, facts and lies surrounding big business interests in the Wind Farm Goldrush.
“Filmmaker and director Nigel Spence’s gripping documentary, shot in 15 countries over 3 years, exposes the truth and the real human, environmental and subsidy costs of wind turbines—a cost that the youth of today will be paying for the next 25 years.”
Click here to watch.
Comment by Itasca Small on 08/20/2010 at 10:28 pm
Thank you for your website. I just discovered on Wed., how much you have on it! I only visited it a couple of times when my neighbors and I first started our journey on this odyssey of fighting wind turbines next our very small community in Navajo County, Arizona. I direct others to you, but finally visited again myself.
I am at a library and can’t play this video right now. Sure hope to be able to soon.
We are trying to break through the mindset of “wind energy is our poor county’s salvation, and the industry wouldn’t tell us lies”!!!
Gave some print-outs from Wed. to a candidate for governor last night. Came back to print them again.
Thanks again!
Comment by Itasca Small on 08/20/2010 at 10:31 pm
Thank you for your website. My neighbors and I are fighting wind turbines next to our very small community in Navajo County, Arizona. I am at a library and can’t play this video right now. Sure hope to be able to soon.
We are trying to break through the mindset of “wind energy is our poor county’s salvation, and the industry wouldn’t tell us lies”!!!
Gave some print-outs from Wed. to a candidate for governor last night. Came back to print them again.
Thanks again!
Editor: You’re welcome! There’s lots of good stuff on the site. Be sure you check out “Watch WTS Videos” and “Browse All Articles.” A gold mine of information. And you should be mining the National Wind Watch and Industrial Wind Action sites, as well (see “Also Visit”).
Comment by rob spehr on 02/04/2011 at 10:51 am
Allendale, East South Australia fighting [wind turbine] factory against a done deal.
Any info to help inform local government and residents to discredit these vulgar, obtrusive monstrosites of the myths and untruths spread by the large companies would be very helpfull.
Still being oppossed in court, gathering local concern.
Comment by Melaeknique Sumlin on 02/12/2011 at 10:12 pm
This is very cool.Thanks for this website to it really helped me with my wind turbine essay on the cons. This is much cooler than any other website I have been on. Please do come to Milwaukee Academy of Science science fair on February 27,2011 on Sunday.My friend Ransom and I are literally fighting about wind turbines. He such a wimp when it comes to debating on many things.Your a great typer.
Comment by Lynn Brick on 11/07/2011 at 8:00 pm
I live in Saskatoon, Saskatchewan, Canada. Is there any place I can rent this video?
We are having a meeting on Wednesday November 9, 2011 on wind turbines and would like to see your comments prior.
Editor’s reply: Alas, it’s not out yet. Supposed to be out any day now—except the producer has been saying that for the past year. When it comes out, it will be fabulous, I expect.