Health survey (Ontario, Canada)
Jul 21, 2009

Wind Concerns Ontario, a coalition of grass-root, citizen organizations, has been doing the job of Health Canada. (Mr. Prime Minister, are you reading this?) WCO has been conducting a self-reporting survey, asking people living near industrial wind turbines how (or if) their health has been impacted.
Click here for the latest results.
The following is taken from the WCO website.
- This is a community-based survey; members of the community were encouraged to respond to a contact flyer. It’s a self-reporting survey, which is a valid [research protocol].
- This survey reproduces the work of U.K. physician, Dr. Amanda Harry (2007).
- There were no restrictions placed on distribution or access to the survey. As a result, hard copy and electronic copies were sent on request. Standard protocal was used to protect confidentiality and data integrity.
- Victims are self-reporting. This follows the principle of Health Canada’s Canada Vigilance.
- Distribution started the end of March, 2009 and within 6 weeks, 76 responses were received with 53 reporting adverse health effects.
- A cover page was sent with the surveys giving instructions and identifying exclusions:
- If more than 1 adult in the home is affected please have each adult fill out a separate questionnaire.
- This questionnaire may be filled out by a person 18 years of age or older who is fluent in English.
- This questionnaire will NOT be used by anyone with any cognitive impairment.
- Some requested surveys online and there were no restrictions regarding distribution.
- Surveys were returned to designated address.
- There are 585 operating turbines across Ontario. The wind turbine complexes implicated include:
- Melancthon Phase 1 and 2, Canadian Hydro Wind Developers, Shelburne,
- Kingsbridge 1 Wind Power, Goderich,
- Kruger Energy, Port Alma,
- Ripley Wind Power, Ripley,
- Enbridge Ontario Wind Farm, Kincardine,
- Erie Shores Wind Farm, Port Burwell.
- The reports of symptoms are consistent with the work of Dr. Amanda Harry, U.K., Dr. Nina Pierpont, U.S.A. and Dr. Michael Nissenbaum, U.S.A.
- Reports of health problems are still coming in. The survey will be ongoing and results will be updated periodically.
Comment by Leo Sobers on 07/21/2009 at 10:24 pm
It would be even more compelling if other countries duplicated this survey to reinforce the message.
I have no doubt that as more turbines are erected, there will be more and more complaints of adverse health effects.
It is high time that governments and the wind Industry take note and provide funding for further research into wind turbines and health. In the mean time, halting all installation within 2 kilometers of any dwellings.
It is troubling however, that ‘a grass-root citizen organization’ is forced to do the job of “Health Canada” for government/s to understand there is a crisis which is in urgent need of attention.
Comment by Glenn O'Connor on 10/04/2009 at 8:27 am
I had a question. I have 26 turbines, within a mile of my home, that were turned on 12/23/08. In the past, I’m not one to get a headache. I don’t take aspirin or any other meds.
This summer I started to get headaches. This is really uncommon for me. I have scheduled a doctor’s appointment for a full check-up.
Is this issue common with your findings? I’d really appreciate your input.
Glenn O’Connor
6177 Route 362
Bliss NY 14024
Editor’s reply: I showed your letter to Nina. In her study, half the people who started getting headaches had no history of headaches or migraines. In clinical lingo, they had no “risk factors.”
So, yes, you are experiencing textbook Wind Turbine Syndrome.
Your doctor will send you for a host of tests and there’s a good chance none of them will show anything out of the ordinary. And if you’re bold enough to suggest it might be from the turbines, he’s going to grin and treat you like you’re a nut case.
When Nina’s book comes out (we hope by the end of this month), give him a copy.
The only cure is: move away. If you can manage to spend some days away from the turbines—go to the Bahamas for a two-week vacation—you will find they go away.