"We've now abandoned our home." (Lincolnshire, England)
Jun 18, 2009

With appreciation to mooseyscountrygarden.com
“Within three days” of the turbines starting up in June 2006, “we started having noise problems.” So begins the testimony by Mrs. Jane Davis—nurse midwife, child development specialist, and holder of a Masters degree in medical administration.
Click here to listen to Mrs. Davis’s interview this spring (2009) with Southside Broadcasting, UK.
Jane’s home is 930 meters (0.58 miles, 3000 feet) from the nearest of several turbines. “We get unremitting noise,” she reports. Both audible and, most disturbing of all, low frequency. “What we have all the time is a persistent low frequency hum. It penetrates through the fabric of the house and makes the whole house hum.”
The house continues to hum, though the Davises no longer hear it. They abandoned it to its toxic, Wind Turbine Syndrome-producing noise and vibration—Editor.
Comment by Neville George on 12/15/2009 at 3:00 pm
This is what worries me living next to a wind farm proposed for the Frodsham Marshes,We already have a motorway that is noisy but not a continuous whoosh or hum. There are 21 of these things being planted with 12 of them less that 1 km away from where I live. It’s the people closest to them that will suffer the most,there are a very large amount of very expensive houses which are going to be much closer than me.
These properties are owned by Bankers, solicitors, Doctors and the like and I have a feeling they will not be pleased when they learn of the detrimental effect these turbines will have on their lives and properties.
The picture shows the area that will be mostly affected by this farm In the raised ground near the puddle in the field will be where the first of twelve 125 metre turbines will be sited. It is far too close to the M56 motorway, caravan site and houses.
My health is not good at the moment and my ears have been damaged from years of shooting in the army both large tank guns and infantry weapons so I suffer already from tinnitus. If this farm goes ahead then I will probably have to move well away from the area and abandon my property.
Comment by amanda x on 01/03/2010 at 1:39 am
Hi, I empathise with this. I’ve been plagued by a low humming noise in my home, which I couldn’t pinpoint no matter where I went and no matter what I switched off.
I thought it was my refrigerator, boiler, a car in the distance, etc. I thought of everything. I even thought of madness, until my partner heard it, too. Then my mother, and now other people in the community are beginning to pick up on this.
I hear it especially badly on quiet nights, and it becomes so loud that it seems to rattle my ears. It only really started in the summer and has never gone away since.
The only thing that’s changed for us? E.ON has built a huge windfarm in the middle of the Solway Firth (sea)—Robin Rigg windfarm—just off the coast of Cumbria, England. There are also huge turbines inland. We are surrounded by them.
Help! I really need to sleep, being a nurse practitioner, myself. I need a refreshed mind to be able to do my job safely.
Please, let’s get this sorted.
Written at 5.30 am, with no sleep—again.
Amanda X