"Wayward Wind" website
Jun 22, 2009

—Barry Bridgeford, Ontario, Canada
“When I first learned about the experiences being foisted upon small town and rural residents, as a result of the proximity of industrial wind turbines, I was flabbergasted by the hostility being expressed by everyday people, and by the indifference being exhibited toward them by so many people in positions of power and responsibility.
“Along with the wealth of information and experiences being shared online concerning negative effects of industrial wind turbines, I was specially impressed by the work being done by Dr. Nina Pierpont.
“These following pages are simply intended to share the sequential connections of information and concepts that I made in my own pursuit of the ‘wind turbine phenomenon.’ Hopefully, they can help in some small way to reduce the confusion surrounding this subject.
“I want to make it clear that I have no technical credentials in science. I just want to see the negative impacts of ‘industrial wind turbines’ eliminated.”
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