"My entire house was vibrating along with all the contents — including me." (Ontario, Canada)
Oct 15, 2009

“My entire house was vibrating along with all the contents—including me. I tried to lie down and sleep a few times, but got jolted awake with a full body twitch each time. My skull was resonating to the extent that I became swimmingly dizzy, even just sitting, with sharp pains developing in my head. I was nauseous, I was aware of my insides trembling. . . . I could feel my fingers tingling with the vibrations. My eyes started to blur, an indication of oscillating eyeballs. The only alternative was to get out, and I did so in tears. With all of this, I couldn’t really ‘hear’ anything except the low droning hum that I have described to you in other reports over the summer.
“I ended up sleeping on a couch in a house 20 km directly to the north of me, and as I did, I could still hear and feel the deep, rumbling vibrations from the wind farm. These vibrations are similar to ones I’ve felt produced from a power steamroller as it approaches my house. Having to sleep in my truck, having to drive to somebody else’s house in the middle of the night in order to escape, I now consider myself ‘homeless.’ This is criminal” (Kay Armstrong, “Erie Shores Wind Farm”).
Posted 10/12/09 on Wind Concerns Ontario, with appreciation
Martin McConnochie
Provincial Officer Badge #400
Ministry of Environment, Hamilton District Office
(905) 521-7649, fax (905) 521-7806
Dear Mr. McConnochie,
This letter is in regard to my phone call to the Spills Action Centre on Oct 9 at 11:15 PM to file a complaint about noise from the Clear Creek wind farm. The situation got so bad that night I had to leave my house at 12:30 AM to sleep somewhere else.
My entire house was vibrating along with all the contents, including me. I tried to lie down and sleep a few times, but got jolted awake with a full body twitch each time. My skull was resonating to the extent that I became swimmingly dizzy, even just sitting, with sharp pains developing in my head.
I was nauseous, I was aware of my insides trembling, and to lay or even sit down against something vibrating at a different frequency was totally unbearable. I could feel my fingers tingling with the vibrations. My eyes started to blur, an indication of oscillating eyeballs. The only alternative was to get out, and I did so in tears.
To have your body invaded with these vibrations is so very frightening. You just know exposure to these “sound waves” cannot be good for you.
With all of this, I couldn’t really “hear” anything except the low droning hum that I have described to you in other reports over the summer.
I ended up sleeping on a couch in a house 20 km directly to the north of me, and as I did, I could still hear and feel the deep, rumbling vibrations from the wind farm. These vibrations are similar to ones I’ve felt produced from a power steamroller as it approaches my house.
Seismic tremors have been recorded up to 10 miles from wind farms. Aside from measuring low frequency and infrasound in the dBC and dBG [?] scales, you need to find a way to measure seismic vibrations. The repercussions of these industrial wind turbines are reaching a lot further than anybody thinks, and they can’t always be heard.
This is what is doing the damage, what is affecting peoples’ health. The swooshing sounds serve to aggravate the ILFN [infrasound and low frequency noise], pulsing it towards my house.
That night, the lady at Spills Action Centre asked me how bad the situation was on a scale of 1 to 10. I can now say that it was a definite 10.
Having to sleep in my truck, having to drive to somebody else’s house in the middle of the night in order to escape, I now consider myself “homeless.” This is criminal.
Kay Armstrong
Clear Creek, Ontario (Erie Shores Wind Farm)
10/12/09 update: Martin, last night was a repeat of the night of October 9: left my house at 10:30 PM after filing a complaint with the Spills Action Centre. Again, vibrations could be felt and heard 20 km to the north of me—Kay.