Maine Medical Association
Sep 21, 2009

Based on a photograph ©, with appreciation
The following resolution was adopted by the Maine Medical Association at its Annual Meeting, September 11-13, 2009.
WHEREAS, proposals to locate and build wind energy facilities in the State have at times proven controversial, due to concerns regarding potential effects of such facilities on the public health; and
WHEREAS, the trade off between the public good of generating electricity and the adverse health effects warrant appropriate evidence-based scientific research; and
WHEREAS, assessing the potential health impact of wind turbines has been difficult to measure but if present would be of significant concern, and this is especially apparent regarding the noise level and other noise characteristics specific to industrial wind turbines; and
WHEREAS, there is a need for modification of the State’s regulatory process for siting wind energy developments to reduce the potential for controversy regarding siting of grid-scale wind energy development and to address health controversy with regulatory changes to include, but not limited to:
Refining certain procedures of the Maine Department of Environmental Protection and the Maine Land Use Regulation Commission to reflect scientific evidence regarding potential health effects and to further explore such potential health effects;
Judging the effects of wind energy development on potential public health by avoiding unreasonable noise and shadow flicker effects, with development setbacks and incorporating up-to-date noise regulations specific for industrial wind turbines adequate to protect public health and safety;
THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED that the Maine Medical Association work with health organizations and regulatory agencies to provide scientific information of known medical consequences of wind development in order to help safeguard human health and the environment;
AND BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED that the Maine Medical Association: 1) work with other stakeholders to encourage performance of studies on health effects of wind turbine generation by independent qualified researchers at qualified research institutions; 2) ensure that physicians and patients alike are informed of evidence-based research results.