Doctor conducts windplant health survey
Apr 11, 2009

Michael Nissenbaum, MD, a radiologist at Northern Maine Medical Center (Fort Kent, ME), has interviewed a number of people complaining of ill health from turbines at the Mars Hill, Maine, windplant.
On March 20, 2009, Nissenbaum presented his results in a PowerPoint discussion to the Maine Medical Association. Click here to read a summary of his presentation, and click here to watch the full PowerPoint (with appreciation to Dr. Nissenbaum).
Comment by Lynda Barry on 04/23/2009 at 9:37 pm
I just wanted to invite you to post any of the betterplanWI videos we have up on YouTube. We have a very good shadow flicker video shot by Gerry Meyer that you might be interested in.
Best to you,
Editor’s reply. Thanks, Lynda. As you know, we pinch many of our videos from your site. An outstanding site. Thank you for creating it. I learn something every time I visit it. And, not infrequently, I come away with another video.