"I am most worried about my youngest son Wyatt, 3 years old." (Ontario, Canada)


Spring 2009 diary of a a young mother in Ontario, Canada.  Click here to read more entries on her blog, “My next door neighbour is a wind turbine.”

With appreciation to Kristen McClure, Therapist


Wind energy: A rogue industry

View out Judge Hal Graham’s window (Cohocton, NY), by Jason Cox, The Corning NY Leader

—Calvin Luther Martin, PhD

The following is based on a NY Times editorial (5/31/09) calling the tobacco companies “A Rogue Industry.”  The similarities between Big Tobacco and Big Wind are striking, especially the fraud and systematic deceit of both industries where human health is concerned.   (more…)

"No resident should have to live under such conditions": Wind Turbine Setback Committee Report (Richmondville NY)

Ripley, Ontario
Photo of Ripley (Ontario), much like the Tug Hill Plateau, NY 


Wisconsin fiasco

Butler Ridge Project, WI
Butler Ridge Project near Iron Ridge, Wisconsin, May 2, 2009, with thanks to Better Plan Wisconsin.  (WTS.com has taken editorial liberties with this photo.)


"I can't go home. It's not home anymore." (United Kingdom)

“I can’t go home.  It’s not home anymore. You walk into a cold damp house and remember the memories, then remember what has taken them away, and it hits like a brick wall travelling at 100 mph. Then all the emotions you’ve been suppressing rise and you get so angry”—Anonymous, UK (5-11-09)*

*For reasons that become obvious as you read on, this young woman has requested that her name be withheld—Ed.

"Grief V," Donna Cleary
“Grief V,” by Donna Cleary, with appreciation


"I just know it's not good to live in this house anymore." (Oakfield, Wisconsin)

“My husband and I have decided to walk away from our property. I can’t stand it here for another day. I can’t leave soon enough. You may be able to put turbines up behind our home, but that doesn’t mean I am going to do nothing when it affects my family’s health and my animals’ well-being”—Ann Wirtz (4-6-09)

"Grief," John Clum
“Grief,” by John Clum, with appreciation


U.S. Congressman overwhelmed by wind turbine noise complaints

Congressman Eric Massa (D, NY)

Click here to listen to this Radio WLEA (Hornell, NY) interview with U.S. Congressman Eric Massa (D, NY) on April 25, 2009, talking about the “virtual flood of constituents,” and even non-constituents, complaining about wind turbine noise.  “Every weekend [I have] a different family in the office, talking to me….I have seen the bullying [at town meetings].”