"We want the noise to stop. I want my husband to be able to sleep in our home." (Pennsylvania)
Dec 6, 2008

In May 2008 Jill and Todd Stull sued Gamesa and the Allegheny Ridge Wind Farm (Pennsylvania) for afflicting them with what appears to be Wind Turbine Syndrome. They are awaiting the court’s decision.
Jill is a nurse and Todd a medical doctor. They obviously have the credentials to understand the distinction between good health and bad health. Since their neighbor’s six turbines went online, their health has been the latter.
Click on the image, above, to watch the video, courtesy of WJACTV.com.
Comment by Mary Dickinson on 01/28/2009 at 6:41 am
Please let us know how you make out with the court ruling. We, here in western New York, are going thru turbine turmoil and are fighting to keep them far away from civilization!